
New paper: Grazer density and songbird counts on the Rhine island

In this study, we equipped five horses and five cattle with GPS collars and correlated the density of their GPS positions on the grazed area with the density of bird observations. We found that in the songbirds of our study site, both the…
Heinz Durrer

Prof. Heinz Durrer receives prize by the Baselland Nature Research Society

Heinz Durrer is professor emeritus of the University of Basel and was the first director of the Research Station Petite Camargue Alsacienne. He received the Franz Leuthardt Prize 2020 of the Baselland Nature Research Society (NGBL) for his…
Nature – Where I work

Nature – Where I work

Lilla Lovász, «The zoologist tracking an island's rebirth», has been interviewed for Nature! This does not happen to many PhD students ... For more pictures from where Lilla works, see here.
Melanie Andereggen

Congrats on your Master theses, Melanie Andereggen, Julia Fürst, and Michel Montagner!

Melanie Andereggen (photo) investigated how the Red Kite, a diet generalist and opportunistic scavenger, alters prey delivery rate and diet composition for nestlings in response to brood size, age, and environmental factors. She found that…
Renovation of the houses of the research station

Renovation of the houses of the research station

The houses of the research station receive new roof insulation and interior ventilation. Thanks to the Swisslos-Fonds Basel-Stadt and to the Swiss Association Pro Petite Camargue Alsacienne for funding the renovation!
fish farm Petite Camargue Alsacienne

The Frey-Clavel Foundation supports the fish farm Petite Camargue Alsacienne

Today, the Frey-Clavel Foundation decided to support the fish farm in the nature reserve Petite Camargue Alsacienne with a large contribution. Many thanks! The fish farm breeds salmon for reintroduction into the Rhine and its tributaries.…
Yann Rime

Yann Rime joins our group as a new PhD student

Yann's project is about migration strategies, population dynamics and habitat change in the alpine population of the Northern Wheatear. He works at the Swiss Ornithological Institute and in the Val Piora in Ticino.
Julia Paterno

Julia Paterno joins our group as a new PhD student

Julia works in the beautiful Swiss National Park, studying the effects of anthropogenic noise on mountain woodland songbirds. 

Why do birds sing? Kinder-Uni Basel 2020

Teaching at the university in 2020 took place mainly via Zoom. Likewise, our contribution to the Kinder-Uni, where professors from the University of Basel give lectures to children, was produced in the studio and published on YouTube.

Relaunch of the Swiss journal «Ornithologischer Beobachter»

The journal «Ornithologischer Beobachter» was founded in 1902 and publishes articles on ornithology as well as on other groups of organisms and on conservation biology. After three years of discussion and of going through many different…