Yann Rime joins our group as a new PhD student
Yann's project is about migration strategies, population dynamics and habitat change in the alpine population of the Northern Wheatear. He works at the Swiss Ornithological Institute and in the Val Piora in Ticino.
Julia Paterno joins our group as a new PhD student
Julia works in the beautiful Swiss National Park, studying the effects of anthropogenic noise on mountain woodland songbirds.Why do birds sing? Kinder-Uni Basel 2020
Teaching at the university in 2020 took place mainly via Zoom. Likewise, our contribution to the Kinder-Uni, where professors from the University of Basel give lectures to children, was produced in the studio and published on YouTube.
Relaunch of the Swiss journal «Ornithologischer Beobachter»
The journal «Ornithologischer Beobachter» was founded in 1902 and publishes articles on ornithology as well as on other groups of organisms and on conservation biology. After three years of discussion and of going through many different…
Clinical Research Day 2020, University of Basel
«Statistical significance is dead – let's embrace uncertainty», an Update Session with Valentin Amrhein, Thomas Fabbro and Deborah Vogt.
Congrats on your Master theses, Natalie Jeanneret, Jakob Eggenberger, and Freya Pappert!
Even before he finished his master studies, MSc Jakob Eggenberger (photo) was hired as a Ranger at the Greifensee-Foundation and is now at the veterinary office Zurich. MSc Freya Pappert is now PhD student in Marine Evolutionary Ecology.…
Poster prize for Lilla Lovász, again
Lilla Lovász won the prize for the best poster at the 12th Conference of the European Ornithologists Union (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). The second poster prize in a row, on the same biennial conference!
World Conference of Science Journalists, Lausanne
Valentin Amrhein and Christie Aschwanden give a workshop on «Seeking elusive truths: How to judge statistical results as a non-statistician».
«Special Vision 2030 Seminar» at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Bern
Discussion about «Retiring statistical significance: why and how?» with Nicola Low, Christian Althaus, Matthias Egger, Marcel Zwahlen, Orestis Efthimiou et al.